Biggest, Strongest, Fastest by Steve Jenkins

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Jenkins, Steve.  Biggest, Strongest, Fastest.  New York:  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 1995.  ISBN  9780395861363

Plot Summary

This is an interesting collection of all the -est of the world.  You have the biggest, smallest, strongest, longest animals ever to inhabit the planet.  From the African elephant which is the biggest land animal to the Etruscan shrew which is the smallest mammal you see the amazing triumphs of the animal kingdom.  Fourteen animals are highlighted for their unique attributes.

Critical Analysis

Steve Jenkins created a fascinating, page turning collection of animals that are known for unique characteristics.  For instance, “The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever lived.”  Not only does he provide this fact, but he gives a comparison of a human to the size of a blue whale in silhouette picture to illustrate the significance of the fact.  Each page is thoughtfully composed of an extreme fact followed by a size comparison to relate the information to the reader.

Jenkins used paper collage to illustrate the various animals.  The use of bright colors on contrasting backgrounds really highlighted the animals.  It is amazing the amount of detail he was able to include in his collages.  Most of the animals are two page spreads, but when it came to emphasizing how big the blue whale was or how long the sun jellyfish are Jenkins gave use three page spreads that require the reader to turn the page to get the full impact.  The conclusion of the information packed book is a table that lists all the animals and the traits they are known for.  Jenkins expands on the information to provide measurements, diet and location of each animal.

Review Excerpts

1998 Washington Children’s Choice Picture Book Award

1996 The Children’s Literature Choice List

1996 American Library Association-Booklist Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children

From Booklist,  “Beautiful double-page-spread cut-paper collages illustrate a picture book about ‘some of the biggest and smallest, fastest and slowest, strongest and longest’ record holders in the animal world…Here’s proof that power isn’t just about size and that science can be a lot of fun.”

From School Library Journal, “ Large, clear print; fascinating facts; and beautiful, detailed, cut-paper collages make this excellent title a delight.”


Science–use as an introduction into animal research.

Art–students can create animal collages to link to animal research projects.

Other Books by Steve Jenkins–

Hottest, coldest, highest, deepest  ISBN 0395899990

What do you do with a tail like this?  ISBN 0618256288


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